For more than 25 years, I've been editing and presenting various radio shows- music, cultural, environmental, health and "well being" magazines, in major radio stations in Israel- Galatz, Galgalatz, Eco99fm & the positive alternative radio EOL
(Essence of life)
These days I also have a podcast (In Hebrew) of intimate conversations in my studio, about self development, that I have with various therapists, spiritual teachers and artists
I record voice overs (narration) In Hebrew And English for commercials & promos for TV and radio, and for image reportage
I teach radio courses at colleges like "Emek Israel" and "BPM" music college

Personal life
I live with my family in a Kibbutz located in the north of Israel, surrounded by wild beautiful nature.
I love Israel, but I don't like that it represents conflict and war.
I believe that my generation is awakening these days, and we all try to create a new reality of peace and co-existence.
I love to travel the world and meet new people.
I lived in the Algarve, the southest part of Portugal by the ocean, and loved the growing expats community there.
I see myself as a part of a growing international community, of people who choose to live a healthy and conscious life, and dedicate themselves to doing things they love, that contribute to the well being of others.

I believe
I believe that on our short time on earth,
we all deserve to live in PEACE, and that peace begins in our own heart.
I believe that we all deserve to live a life full of LOVE to ourselves and others, and do what we love for a living.
I believe that we can free ourselves from the slavery of our own minds.
I believe that we can create our own reality, and live our dreams.
I believe that we can heal and forgive ourselves and others, with the presence of the love we can feel NOW.
I believe that each of us is a unique spirit,
and that we all are born with many gifts to share with the world.
I believe that we all are connected, and that everything I think, say or do, affects you too.
Therefore, we are responsible that our thoughts and actions, will be good!
I believe that the only place to be is here, and the only time that truly exist is now.
Let's celebrate life.

About Me
For more than 25 years, I write, mostly in English, compose, with the acoustic guitar, and sing.
Along the years I cooperated with many musicians, recorded my songs and performed in various
Festivals and events.